XXXX XX XX | 1 | I am ready to preach the gospel to you at Rome. |
XXXX XX XX | 2 | There is no respect of persons with God. |
XXXX XX XX | 3 | Man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. |
XXXX XX XX | 4 | Abraham believed God, it was counted for righteousness. |
XXXX XX XX | 5 | We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. |
XXXX XX XX | 6 | Wages of sin is death; gift of God is eternal life. |
XXXX XX XX | 7 | What I hate, that do I. |
XXXX XX XX | 8 | Ye have received the Spirit of adoption. |
XXXX XX XX | 9 | I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy. |
XXXX XX XX | 10 | My prayer for Israel is that they might be saved. |
XXXX XX XX | 11 | God hath not cast away his people. |
XXXX XX XX | 12 | Be not conformed to this world: be transformed. |
XXXX XX XX | 13 | There is no power but of God. |
XXXX XX XX | 14 | Whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s. |
XXXX XX XX | 15 | Abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. |
XXXX XX XX | 16 | Mark them which cause divisions and offences. |